Chris Yeung專欄

Lancome row exposes ugly side of ‘one country, two systems’

By Chris Yeung

On Thursday, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying was a busy man in Paris eagerly keen to convince his host, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Hong Kong is best positioned under the “one country, two systems” political framework to benefit from a rising China.

He trumpeted his notion of Hong Kong being the “super-connector” between the 1.3 billion-populated nation and the world.

But at home, a drama surrounding a French cosmetic brand Lancome has laid bare the ugly side of the face of “one country, two systems.” On Thursday, Lancome reopened its stores across Hong Kong, one day after protests were held over the company’s cancellation of a concert by Canto-pop star Denise Ho Wan-sze. It came after Ho faced blistering attack by the Global Times, a sister publication of the mainland official People’s Daily, for allegedly supporting Hong Kong independence.

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Lancome row exposes ugly side of ‘one country, two systems’