致: 全體同學、教職員
1. 在大學範圍內的共用地方,必須配戴口罩;
2. 進入校內任何地方時,必須接受體溫測量及用含酒精的潔手液清潔雙手;
3. 隨時隨地保持恰當的社交距離;
4. 老師上課前及下課後必須用含酒精噴劑或濕紙巾清潔講台桌面;
5. 只可在自己的宿舍單位、辦公室、Donka 或Pacific Coffee進食;
6. 如校園內有人確診,相關的範圍會立即關閉進行消毒,之後會儘快開放。
To: All Students and Staff
As the pandemic shows signs of relenting, and in response to your earnest wishes to resume face-to-face classroom instruction, the University will revert to its usual modes of teaching and learning on Monday, 5th October 2020. At this time, I again appeal to you to strictly observe the anti-virus precautionary measures, including:
1. Face masks must be worn in all public areas of the University;
2. When entering any space on campus, please subject yourself to body temperature taking, and clean your hands with alcohol-based disinfectants;
3. Maintain appropriate social distancing at all times;
4. Teachers are required to clean their desks on the podium with alcohol-based disinfectants before and after their classes;
5. Eating is permitted only in your hall residences, offices, Donka or Pacific Coffee;
6. In the unfortunate event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 infection on campus, the concerned areas will be immediately disinfected. These areas will be re-opened for use as soon as possible.
I entrust you all to participate in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for teaching and learning.
Prof. Cheung Siu Keung
Associate Vice President (University Administration)
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
05th September 2020