







Oar Rowing in Tai O Fishing Village

Tai O is a fishing village with a history of more than a century in Hong Kong. Since the fishing village is surrounded by sea, there are many wooden stilt houses and boats creating a unique fishing village lifestyle. Tai O is therefore known as Hong Kong’s “Venice of the East”.

In the past, Tai O’s indigenous residents always used a small boat called “sampan” as a means of transportation to their stilt houses or the nearby areas of Tai O. Residents would stand on a sampan and swing a wooden oar from side to side to push the boat. This rowing method is called “oar rowing”. As time changes, residents can use other transportation tools, such as bridges, ferries and vehicles, and sampans have been switched to engine operation. Fewer people operated sampans solely on manpower. However, some Tai O residents insist on preserving oar rowing which is gradually being abolished by the times.

Wong Man-kwong, a 67-year-old resident of Tai O, still operates sampan by oar rowing to travel around Tai O with tourists and his family. He recounted the joy of catching fish with sampan and oar rowing when he was a child. He also said that there is an inseparable relationship between the traditional customs of Tai O and sampans with oar rowing, especially for wedding or funeral ceremonies.

Besides, Tai O Cultural Association’s Chairman Wong Chi-chuen and the Director Timmy So Tim-ming have also been committed to preserving and introducing sampan and oar rowing. They opened oar rowing classes to teach the new generation how to control the sampan. They hope that sampans and oar rowing in Tai O will not be forgotten, and they firmly believe that oar rowing represents the bustle yet leisurely life attitude of Tai O residents over the years.